We Love Hosting Events And Supporting Your Retreat In Our Sacred Space, 
Surrounded By Soothing Nature, As You Learn, Practice, 
Nourish And Flourish With Like Minded Others While Enjoying Plenty Of Breathing Space By Our Pool, 
Far Infrared Sauna And Soft HOT Tub Jacuzzi.
To Book A Private Event, Retreat, Or Workshop At Our Venue - Visit Our Rental Page And See



SOUL YIN TOUCH Thai Yoga Retreat -
Bodywork & Yin Yoga TTC

July 27th – August 4th 2024

Embrace Presence & Awareness

What's unique about this retreat?

  • The Soul is touched with a diverse combination of spiritual practices (YIN Yoga, Yoga, Qi Gong & Bodywork/Massage) authentic excursions in nature and home made vegetarian food
  • Sleep in one of the most beautiful and lush retreat centers in Bali
  • Eat supreme veggy food home made by Gaia's kitchen stuff 
  • Be guided by highly skilled and experienced teachers & tour guides


  • learn simple tools to de-stress and relax the mind 
  • activate the physical body with a diverse offer of spiritual practices (YIN Yoga, Yoga, Qi Gong & Bodywork/Massage) & excursions into nature (Hiking/Beach etc)
  • gain more clarity - better decision making
  • Experience nature in a authentic way by practicing every day in front of a breath takinf scenery of lush green
  • Nourish your soul with organic food, singing circles & community
  • For Yoga Teachers/Holistic Professionals: Learn how to touch with pure presence & awareness and incorporate a new skill into your practice & classes
  • Receive 2 certificates in one Training - SOUL IN TOUCH Essentials & YIN Yoga TTC (for those who wanted to take it as a CPD for Yoga Teachers)

What’s the purpose of the SOUL YIN TOUCH Essentials Retreat? 

Being 100% present is very rare these days. Our attention capacity diminished in our daily life drastically, which has also an effect on human to human connection as a whole and therefore on our well-being and the immune system. Stress levels may raise, and we are more susceptible of feeling anxious, angry, and eating unhealthy food.

The SOUL YIN TOUCH Retreat was developed to raise presence & awareness with oneself, another & the surrounding nature. Using the practices of Yin Yoga, Qi Gong & Bodywork, stress levels may be released and peace is invited back into our lives.

Excursions to a wonderful place in nature and healthy, ecological food from Gaia Retreat Center are offered in order to connect to nature and stimulate all your senses.

Once feeling more balanced again, we can offer more awareness to the food we eat, to the movement our body is asking for, with whom we want to spend time with, the work we want to concentrate on, and the life we really want to live.

Going back to basics and practice being present & aware offers the support to connect back to your essence, your true nature.

The SOUL YIN TOUCH Essentials Retreat is a re-awakening of all the senses:

  • touching from your heart
  • listening with pure presence
  • seeing another with the eyes of compassion
  • smelling nature in its purity
  • tasting food consciously with pure pleasure

A beautiful journey back to an ‘human being’ rather than a ‘human doing’.


SOUL YIN TOUCH is a fusion of a unique Bodywork modality, called SOUL IN TOUCH Thaï Yoga Bodywork and YIN Yoga.

No matter if in between family members, friends or couples, to gift someone else with your attention and pure presence is already healing in many ways.

Through Bodywork & Yin Yoga, we relearn to just be, and actively listen, to give oneself and another the feeling to be heard, to be seen and to offer care from the heart.

The learnings of the SOUL YIN Touch Retreat can be adapted into your daily life, for instance:

  • the way we physically approach others
  • the way we communicate to others
  • the way we respond rather than react, remaining in our center, no matter what occurs.
  • what food our body is asking for
  • understanding more the natural connection in between human to human and human to nature
  • creating inner contentment with the healing power of being in a safe community

The healing power reveals through conscious touch, more so than simply applying  technique. Technique comes with experience, but the lasting nourishing effect is due to the care and presence you are able to offer. In the SOUL IN TOUCH method we practice a soft, gentle, at the same time profound touch. A touch that consists of pure presence and awareness, the hand melts in the other and starts to become one.

As we would ask for permission to enter into someone’s space or body, that’s where touch becomes meaningful, with a memorable blue print. A co-created healing space where the feeling of oneness unfolds organically.

This may sound an unachievable task, but you will be amazed how fast you will be able to practice to touch consciously, and incorporate this quality into your daily life.

Conscious Touch is the oldest existing healing power of humanity, we just need to come back into the feeling body.

SOUL YIN TOUCH Yoga Retreat - a co-creation of Marco & Mickey

Marco & Mickey are two Yogis, both with Italian roots, who love to teach and study spiritual practices. They met physically the first time in August 2023 in Bali and taught the SOUL IN TOUCH Thaï Yoga Bodywork Course in Ubud together. Having felt mutually a beautiful connection, they decided to fuse both of their passion of Bodywork and YIN Yoga together, and SOUL YIN TOUCH was born.

We’re very happy to offer this SOUL YIN TOUCH Retreat together and share our passion for Bodywork & Yin Yoga.

SOUL YIN TOUCH Yoga Retreat – at Gaia Retreat Center, Ubud, Bali

Under the slogan ‘presence & awareness’ we practice with joy, fusing elements of Yin Yoga, Hatha Vinyasa, Qi Gong, Singing, Breathing and of course SOUL IN TOUCH Thai Yoga Massage into our daily schedule. To experience the beauty of Bali, we will visit the Monkey Forest, exploring the massive and wise trees, to connect to nature in a unique way. 

Be in community

We ‘humans’ are made to be in community. Experience the beauty of practicing with someone else, sing together, and enjoy yourself in a loving and safe environment, while having the freedom also to be with yourself.

For whom is the SOUL YIN TOUCH Yoga Retreat?

SOUL YIN TOUCH Yoga Retreat is for all those, who would like to reinvite the practice of being aware of oneself, another and their surroundings, and want to be more present in their daily life with their loved ones, friends & colleagues. You don’t need to have any previous experience in Yoga, Qi Gong or Bodywork, you could be just curious to explore a forgotten quality of humanity.

This Yoga Retreat in Bali is also for you if you are seeking for a deep sense of self connection and deeper connection to not just the body connection, but really a nurturing of the soul.

If you already work in the holistic field and/or have the intention of becoming a professional Bodyworker, this course prepares to enter into the SOUL IN TOUCH Academy, which starts in January 2025 in Tenerife. In case you are a 200 h Yoga Teacher Graduate, the Yin Yoga part of this Retreat can be taken as well as a Teacher Training, and qualifies with additional online hours to teach YIN Yoga.

Both Yoga: The Sakta Path Ceremony & Ritual

August 5th-11th 2024

We come to know the Goddess through her stories, and we invite her to embody us through our everyday ritual and ceremony.

Claim your seat for 7 days that will radically transform your relationship with Yoga and the Spiritual path.

Set in the luscious surrounds of Ubud, Bali, Uma will take you on a truly unforgettable & expertly held journey exploring the confluence of ŚāktaTantra & Bhakti Yoga, through devotional ceremony and rituals that make sense for our modern lives, time and culture.

integration & embodiment 

the co-creation of Spiritual Community

We each have defining moments along the Spiritual Path that stop us in our tracks. Moments of deep questioning and challenge, and moments of undeniable awakening... moments where we understand that nothing can ever be the same again.

So how do we integrate the process? What is there for us to sustain this growth?

How can we provide for others, and actively receive the support & space required to understand and assimilate this transformation?

The  Śākta Path offers a place to explore sustained transformation through the ceremony of embodied process rest & reflection, and the ritual of giving & receiving support.

The Śākta path immersion will explore the fine art of holding space for genuine embodied receptivity. Balancing the roles of both meaningfully supporting others, as well as actively opening to trust, surrender and truly allow that support for ourselves. To be actively heard and seen & held in spiritual community, and to embody and integrate ongoing and sustainable changes and spiritual evolution.

Bali Soul Retreat
A Six-Night Transformational Journey

September 22nd-28th 2024

If you’re feeling lost and disconnected and you’re ready to get more out of life, join me for a week long journey that will deepen your connection and change the way you show up for yourself in profound ways. 


Are you stuck in a cycle of over-doing, over-giving and under-living?

Are you at a crossroads in life and wondering what’s next?

Are you ready to break the cycle of over-doing, over-giving and under-living? 

Are you ready for more joy, more fun, more adventure, and more moments that take your breath away?

Are you ready for a change? 

If you’re ready to say a resounding YES to yourself, join me on a magical and rejuvenating 7 day journey to Bali, the island of the Gods. Here, amidst pristine rice fields, ancient temples and an abundance of natural wonders, you’re invited to let go of the responsibility and obligations, to surrender to your own inner hearts calling and rediscover the pure joy that comes with total freedom, adventure and authentic self expression. 

It’s time to live your life bravely and love your life fiercely.

Bali Yoga Retreat

October 15th-24th 2024

Ready to step into your Eat, Pray, Love era?

Join Megan Bettis in Ubud, Bali for the jungle retreat adventure of a lifetime! Spend 9 nights at a private retreat center nestled in the heart of terraced rice fields. The 8-bedroom villa boasts the BEST of Bali living with its own garden, jungle views, gourmet meals with locally sourced ingredients, a spa, chlorine-free pool, 5-star support staff, AND it’s only a short stroll to the creative mecca of Ubud!

About the retreat

This retreat is a perfect blend of yoga, spirituality, and adventure. Practice yoga overlooking rice fields, dive into yoga philosophy through workshops, participate in traditional Balinese rituals, hike to waterfalls, and visit centuries-old temples, shrines, meditation chambers, and sacred water temples.

As always, we’ve got good food, good people, and boutique accommodations. Rediscover yourself and broaden your horizons while experiencing connection, freedom, and FUN. Leave feeling refreshed, inspired, and part of something bigger than yourself.

All levels are welcome. Bring an open mind, open heart, willingness to try something new, and your swimsuit!

IFS & Breathwork Retreat

November 1st-8th 2024

Join us on an 8-day adventure to Bali (November 1-8, 2024), where we will integrate Somatic IFS and Breathwork to facilitate a transformative healing journey for mental health professionals.

Guided by LaDonna Silva and Pablo Castro.

7 Reasons to join this journey

8-day adventure in Bali
8-day adventure in Bali

Bali's stunning beauty will fill you with awe and inspiration. Bali is on a bucket list of many and for a reason - it's a special, powerful and diverse land. You will experience Balinese culture, connect with openhearted people and witness their rich community and spiritual life. You will also experience the richness of the natural world in Bali which is like reconnecting to a source of life.

Inner journey
Inner journey

This retreat is a process of insight and inner transformation. Our program is a unique combination of guided experiential processes (morning and evening circles), somatic embodiment practices (movement, dance, breathwork, Qi-gong, Balinese massage), and local excursions and experiences: Waterfall & Rice Terrace Trek, Water Ceremony in a Balinese Temple, Kecak Trance Dance and more.

Unique venue
Unique venue

Villa Gaia is a fabulous retreat centre set among rice paddies. During our time the centre will be dedicated exclusively to our group. Accommodations include double bedrooms (one quad) with air conditioning, plus a spacious, open-air workshop area with comfortable sofas and a view of palm trees and rice terraces. Last but not least, the swimming pool, jacuzzi and sauna are available 24 hours a day.

Small group
Small group

In a small group retreat of 20 people, the intimacy fosters deep, meaningful connections, enabling more personalized and resonant interactions. This setting ensures every voice is heard, promoting a sense of belonging and mutual support, ideal for personal growth and fostering empathy among participants.

2 Teachers
2 Teachers

This retreat will be guided by two facilitators: LaDonna Silva (she/her), LMFT, who is a Process Therapist, an IFS Approved Clinical Consultant, a Level 3 Certified IFS Therapist and a member of the Somatic IFS Staff with Susan McConnell, and Pablo Castro, a Breathwork Practitioner and Trainer. Two different perspectives, skillsets and energies.

A culinary experience
A culinary experience

You will be provided with three delicious, healthy and carefully prepared meals a day and 24-hour access to coffee, tea, lemonade and snacks, including traditional Balinese sweets and desserts. During the retreat, you will try the best dishes of Asian cuisine, especially those characteristic to Bali. We will also visit some of the best traditional Balinese restaurants in Ubud.

A balanced program
A balanced program

This retreat is a time for deep insight and inner work, as well as a time for rest, restoration and healing. You will take a deep break from your busy life - this will be time only for YOU. You will try traditional Balinese massage, enjoy a relaxing walk in the rice paddies, and unwind by the pool or in the jacuzzi.

Breathing, healing

Breathing is a remarkable bodily function that seamlessly blends the realms of voluntary and involuntary control.

While we can consciously influence our breath, such as taking deep breaths or holding it, the fundamental rhythm and regulation of breathing are governed by the autonomic nervous system, ensuring our survival without conscious effort. This dual nature of breathing showcases the intricate harmony between conscious intent and subconscious mechanisms within our bodies.

Our breath is also intimately connected to our emotions, serving as a somatic bridge to access and regulate them on a deeper level. By consciously working with our breath, we can bring our emotions to the surface so that we are able to witness and work through them.

Breathing can be a powerful healing tool, both if we use it as a primary healing modality through methods like Conscious Connected Breathwork or if we integrate breath into somatic psychotherapy. We have found that sometimes our bodies are so rigid and stuck that something else is needed to open up to altered states of consciousness.

An ideal fit for this is Internal Family Systems (IFS), which allows us to soften the protective parts of ourselves, making space for a deep healing process.

The integration of IFS therapy and breathwork offers a potent synergy for self-exploration and trauma healing. Breathwork can help individuals access and engage with inner parts more deeply, facilitating access to Self-energy and releasing emotional burdens. IFS, in turn, can release inner obstacles and protective mechanisms, which allows us to truly surrender and follow inner guidance and bodily wisdom.

This 8-day retreat will be an inner journey - an experience of going deep with breathing (Conscious Connected Breathwork) and parts work practices (Somatic IFS by Susan McConnell).

You will be able to create space for whatever is happening within you and attend to it with trusted guidance. It will be like coming home to yourself - a spacious welcome to all that needs attention.

The guided group work we will do will allow you to embody a more compassionate presence in your therapy room and give you a set of cutting-edge tools, inviting your practice to the next level.

The Seeds Of Life Raw Food Chef Certification Training

December 18th 2024 - January 1st 2025

A Two Week Raw Living Incubator

Our Raw Food Chef Certification & Training takes place on Bali, the tropical island of the Gods and Goddesses. The abundance of organic tropical fruits and veggies simply makes Bali the perfect training ground. Your creative mind and noble body will be left nourished, activated and inspired. Whether you want to open a café, expand your existing chef skills and add a few raw food items to your existing menu or just to prepare healthy meals at home for your family and friends. We will meet where you are at.


You will be professionally and intimately taught raw combinations and variations of many of your favorite dishes and desserts. Accompanied by the nutritional benefits, we will expand what you can do at home using local produce to empower you to keep going. You’ll become competent at using all the necessary raw food kitchen tools for preparing these delights as part of your hands on training. You will  you gain confidence and understanding of ‘the Raw Living Foods Kitchen’. Join us for your Raw Food Chef Certification & Training course here on Bali at Ubud.


We will meet your experience level where you are at. All are welcome.


Shiva Yoga Summer Retreat to Bali at
Gaia Retreat Center

June 2025 - Dates To Be Confirmed

Join us in Bali for our Shiva Yoga Summer Retreat.  This is a chance to relax, restore, and rejuvenate, and to soak up the incredible energy of Bali.  We will be staying at the renowned Gaia Retreat Center, with our own private spa, salt water pool, jacuzzi, and infrared sauna.

Your retreat package includes: 7 nights accommodation, 3 gourmet meals per day, with vegan and vegetarian options, full yoga program - including opening and closing ceremonies, special workshops and events, as well as three 90 minute massage therapy sessions, to help you release tension and let go of stress, and a bonus excursion to the Tirta Empul Holy Water Spring Cleanse Temple.  Take a dive into the holy waters of the temple and emerge with a new sense of purpose.  

*There will be 2 Group Dinners in Ubud, not included in the cost of the retreat package

**Additional excursions available that can be added upon arrival to enhance your retreat experience, at an additional cost. 


Retreat Online Booking Form:

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