Welcome to our Gallery of Past Retreats

Gaia Retreat Center, Ubud, Bali.

SOUL YIN TOUCH Thai Yoga Retreat -
Bodywork & Yin Yoga TTC

July 27th – August 4th 2024

Embrace Presence & Awareness

What's unique about this retreat?

  • The Soul is touched with a diverse combination of spiritual practices (YIN Yoga, Yoga, Qi Gong & Bodywork/Massage) authentic excursions in nature and home made vegetarian food
  • Sleep in one of the most beautiful and lush retreat centers in Bali
  • Eat supreme veggy food home made by Gaia's kitchen stuff 
  • Be guided by highly skilled and experienced teachers & tour guides


  • learn simple tools to de-stress and relax the mind 
  • activate the physical body with a diverse offer of spiritual practices (YIN Yoga, Yoga, Qi Gong & Bodywork/Massage) & excursions into nature (Hiking/Beach etc)
  • gain more clarity - better decision making
  • Experience nature in a authentic way by practicing every day in front of a breath takinf scenery of lush green
  • Nourish your soul with organic food, singing circles & community
  • For Yoga Teachers/Holistic Professionals: Learn how to touch with pure presence & awareness and incorporate a new skill into your practice & classes
  • Receive 2 certificates in one Training - SOUL IN TOUCH Essentials & YIN Yoga TTC (for those who wanted to take it as a CPD for Yoga Teachers)

What’s the purpose of the SOUL YIN TOUCH Essentials Retreat? 

Being 100% present is very rare these days. Our attention capacity diminished in our daily life drastically, which has also an effect on human to human connection as a whole and therefore on our well-being and the immune system. Stress levels may raise, and we are more susceptible of feeling anxious, angry, and eating unhealthy food.

The SOUL YIN TOUCH Retreat was developed to raise presence & awareness with oneself, another & the surrounding nature. Using the practices of Yin Yoga, Qi Gong & Bodywork, stress levels may be released and peace is invited back into our lives.

Excursions to a wonderful place in nature and healthy, ecological food from Gaia Retreat Center are offered in order to connect to nature and stimulate all your senses.

Once feeling more balanced again, we can offer more awareness to the food we eat, to the movement our body is asking for, with whom we want to spend time with, the work we want to concentrate on, and the life we really want to live.

Going back to basics and practice being present & aware offers the support to connect back to your essence, your true nature.

The SOUL YIN TOUCH Essentials Retreat is a re-awakening of all the senses:

  • touching from your heart
  • listening with pure presence
  • seeing another with the eyes of compassion
  • smelling nature in its purity
  • tasting food consciously with pure pleasure

A beautiful journey back to an ‘human being’ rather than a ‘human doing’.


SOUL YIN TOUCH is a fusion of a unique Bodywork modality, called SOUL IN TOUCH Thaï Yoga Bodywork and YIN Yoga.

No matter if in between family members, friends or couples, to gift someone else with your attention and pure presence is already healing in many ways.

Through Bodywork & Yin Yoga, we relearn to just be, and actively listen, to give oneself and another the feeling to be heard, to be seen and to offer care from the heart.

The learnings of the SOUL YIN Touch Retreat can be adapted into your daily life, for instance:

  • the way we physically approach others
  • the way we communicate to others
  • the way we respond rather than react, remaining in our center, no matter what occurs.
  • what food our body is asking for
  • understanding more the natural connection in between human to human and human to nature
  • creating inner contentment with the healing power of being in a safe community

The healing power reveals through conscious touch, more so than simply applying  technique. Technique comes with experience, but the lasting nourishing effect is due to the care and presence you are able to offer. In the SOUL IN TOUCH method we practice a soft, gentle, at the same time profound touch. A touch that consists of pure presence and awareness, the hand melts in the other and starts to become one.

As we would ask for permission to enter into someone’s space or body, that’s where touch becomes meaningful, with a memorable blue print. A co-created healing space where the feeling of oneness unfolds organically.

This may sound an unachievable task, but you will be amazed how fast you will be able to practice to touch consciously, and incorporate this quality into your daily life.

Conscious Touch is the oldest existing healing power of humanity, we just need to come back into the feeling body.

SOUL YIN TOUCH Yoga Retreat - a co-creation of Marco & Mickey

Marco & Mickey are two Yogis, both with Italian roots, who love to teach and study spiritual practices. They met physically the first time in August 2023 in Bali and taught the SOUL IN TOUCH Thaï Yoga Bodywork Course in Ubud together. Having felt mutually a beautiful connection, they decided to fuse both of their passion of Bodywork and YIN Yoga together, and SOUL YIN TOUCH was born.

We’re very happy to offer this SOUL YIN TOUCH Retreat together and share our passion for Bodywork & Yin Yoga.

SOUL YIN TOUCH Yoga Retreat – at Gaia Retreat Center, Ubud, Bali

Under the slogan ‘presence & awareness’ we practice with joy, fusing elements of Yin Yoga, Hatha Vinyasa, Qi Gong, Singing, Breathing and of course SOUL IN TOUCH Thai Yoga Massage into our daily schedule. To experience the beauty of Bali, we will visit the Monkey Forest, exploring the massive and wise trees, to connect to nature in a unique way. 

Be in community

We ‘humans’ are made to be in community. Experience the beauty of practicing with someone else, sing together, and enjoy yourself in a loving and safe environment, while having the freedom also to be with yourself.

For whom is the SOUL YIN TOUCH Yoga Retreat?

SOUL YIN TOUCH Yoga Retreat is for all those, who would like to reinvite the practice of being aware of oneself, another and their surroundings, and want to be more present in their daily life with their loved ones, friends & colleagues. You don’t need to have any previous experience in Yoga, Qi Gong or Bodywork, you could be just curious to explore a forgotten quality of humanity.

This Yoga Retreat in Bali is also for you if you are seeking for a deep sense of self connection and deeper connection to not just the body connection, but really a nurturing of the soul.

If you already work in the holistic field and/or have the intention of becoming a professional Bodyworker, this course prepares to enter into the SOUL IN TOUCH Academy, which starts in January 2025 in Tenerife. In case you are a 200 h Yoga Teacher Graduate, the Yin Yoga part of this Retreat can be taken as well as a Teacher Training, and qualifies with additional online hours to teach YIN Yoga.

Both Yoga: The Sakta Path Ceremony & Ritual

August 5th-11th 2024

We come to know the Goddess through her stories, and we invite her to embody us through our everyday ritual and ceremony.

Claim your seat for 7 days that will radically transform your relationship with Yoga and the Spiritual path.

Set in the luscious surrounds of Ubud, Bali, Uma will take you on a truly unforgettable & expertly held journey exploring the confluence of ŚāktaTantra & Bhakti Yoga, through devotional ceremony and rituals that make sense for our modern lives, time and culture.

integration & embodiment 

the co-creation of Spiritual Community

We each have defining moments along the Spiritual Path that stop us in our tracks. Moments of deep questioning and challenge, and moments of undeniable awakening... moments where we understand that nothing can ever be the same again.

So how do we integrate the process? What is there for us to sustain this growth?

How can we provide for others, and actively receive the support & space required to understand and assimilate this transformation?

The  Śākta Path offers a place to explore sustained transformation through the ceremony of embodied process rest & reflection, and the ritual of giving & receiving support.

The Śākta path immersion will explore the fine art of holding space for genuine embodied receptivity. Balancing the roles of both meaningfully supporting others, as well as actively opening to trust, surrender and truly allow that support for ourselves. To be actively heard and seen & held in spiritual community, and to embody and integrate ongoing and sustainable changes and spiritual evolution.

Sacred Serenity Retreat

Sacred Serenity in Ubud

Join us at one of the most high vibrational, spiritually charged, vibrant, and culturally beautiful places in the world, Ubud, from June 9th to 15th, 2024. Our journey will take place in the heart of terraced rice fields located in the creative mecca of Ubud – the most desirable location in Bali. This retreat promises not only a perfect reset for your mind, body, and spirit but also a profound transformation towards enhanced well-being.

What You Receive

  • 30 Minute one on one preliminary call to discuss your goals and intentions for the retreat

  • Six nights / seven days at the beautiful Gaia Retreat Center in Ubud, Bali.

  • Airport shuttle from Denpasar Bali, Indonesia (DPS) airport & back

  • One complimentary massage at the spa

  • Nourishing and indulgent breakfasts, lunches and dinners prepared by incredible chefs (with vegan, vegetarian and meat options).

  • Daily embodiment through yoga and meditation

  • Kava ceremonies

  • Two Entheobreath sessions

  • Daily reflective writing

  • Jungle excursion with elephants, monkeys, and sacred temples

  • Beach excursion to Uluwatu and local shops

  • Ayurvedic workshop and flower bath

  • Daily maid service and 24-hour security and free Wifi

  • Private chlorine-free swimming pool, far infrared sauna, hot tub jacuzzi

  • Personally curated gift bags and custom tote bags

    *Not included: airfare and additional excursions.

Feminine Power Retreat

Are you feeling lost, disempowered, or struggling to find your own path? Do you battle imposter syndrome, torn between societal expectations and your true self, and harbor self-limiting beliefs of not feeling good enough or deserving?

It’s time for a transformative shift.

Welcome to our Bali Retreat – a sanctuary for women like you who seek clarity, empowerment, and a deeper connection with their authentic selves.

Go from disempowered to empowered. Shed the Imposter and rise in your Confidence as the true version of you emerges!

In society, women are often presented with two limited archetypes: hypermasculinity or passive femininity. We believe in a third way, a harmonious blend of empathy, collaboration, and collective power that allows you to craft a life that’s uniquely yours.

Join us in Bali for an immersive experience where you’ll not only explore the breathtaking landscapes but also embark on a journey towards self-discovery and empowerment.

It’s time to script the next chapter of your life, with confidence, authenticity, and a newfound sense of purpose.

Learn how to…

BE powerful yet still feminine

BE assertive but remain compassionate

LEAD from your heart without the need to compete with others
achieve success without exhaustion and ‘hustling mode’

BALANCE feminine and masculine energies within you

Create a new story with feminine power. 

It’s your story, so create your own plot twist! 

Bali Soul Retreat
A Six-Night Transformational Journey

If you’re feeling lost and disconnected and you’re ready to get more out of life, join me for a week long journey that will deepen your connection and change the way you show up for yourself in profound ways. 

Are you stuck in a cycle of over-doing, over-giving and under-living?

Are you at a crossroads in life and wondering what’s next?

Are you ready to break the cycle of over-doing, over-giving and under-living? 

Are you ready for more joy, more fun, more adventure, and more moments that take your breath away?

Are you ready for a change? 

If you’re ready to say a resounding YES to yourself, join me on a magical and rejuvenating 7 day journey to Bali, the island of the Gods. Here, amidst pristine rice fields, ancient temples and an abundance of natural wonders, you’re invited to let go of the responsibility and obligations, to surrender to your own inner hearts calling and rediscover the pure joy that comes with total freedom, adventure and authentic self expression. 

It’s time to live your life bravely and love your life fiercely.  

You lead a busy life and the mental load you’re carrying is exhausting.

You feel trapped by routine and responsibility and you’re longing to break free so you can rediscover your own needs, passions and desires. 

You want to show up as the best version of yourself but you’re struggling to navigate the identity shift and inner split of being a woman in the modern world. Amidst juggling various roles, you feel as though you’ve lost sight of your own self. 

You wake on your last morning in Bali and the sun is just beginning to rise, casting a golden glow over the landscape and making the dewdrops on the rice plants sparkle like tiny diamonds.

The air is fresh and warm, filled with the sound of wind chimes and chirping birds. Nearby, a farmer is tending to his fields, you have been watching his slow and rhythmic movements all week, and you now feel completely in tune with these peaceful surroundings.

Incense from the morning prayers wafts through the air, mingling with the scent of frangipani flowers. 

You now remember who you were before the fatigue, stress and constant worry set in. You remember when life was fun, you played and laughed a lot. 

Here, in the most inspiring and supportive space imaginable, you feel yourself reconnect with those feelings again. You have expanded your awareness of yourself and reconnected with your own needs, passions, dreams and desires. You have let go of everything that is no longer serving you, knowing you’re returning home feeling lighter, ready to walk boldly into your next season of life.

Has life become a problem to be solved rather than an adventure to be lived?

You’re craving more joy, more fun and more love, but life feels very mundane and boring and you don’t know what lights you up anymore.

You want to feel more connected to yourself and those around you, and you want to stop worrying so you can feel more fulfilled, calm and present.

It’s time to drop the heavy load you’ve been carrying, slow down long enough to hear the gentle whispers of your heart so you can step back into your life feeling happier, calmer, having regained your vibrancy and joy for life.

"I felt like I was going through life on a hampster wheel and I didn’t know how to get off. And I’d lost a piece of me, even the piece of me that knew how to have fun. Going to Bali on my own for 7 days was the most amazing gift I could have given myself. My life is forever changed. I have never felt more relaxed physically, emotionally, mentally. I’ve had time to focus on me and who I want to be, what I want more of in my life to make me happy. If you are in a place where you’re feeling tired, stuck, overwhelmed, unhappy,  like you want to get more out of life but you don’t know how. I would highly recommend this retreat. This has honestly been the best thing I could have ever given myself. I’m so grateful I decided to put me first and for the amazing experience I had with Hart and Soul Retreat. " - Anna

A woman is not stagnant, she does not stay the same, holding onto the same values and ideas of what makes her happy.

You are allowed to outgrow yourself.

The purpose of your journey through life is to face life’s transitions and challenges with the inner knowing that these experiences are here to help you grow and evolve beyond what you thought was possible.

This is your opportunity to open yourself up to learning and growing, and in the process you’re also exercising your faith to believe for greater things.

This journey to Bali isn’t a mere pause button or a tick off your bucket list. This is a journey of self-love, a time to nurture your body, soothe your mind, and feed your soul.

This is an opportunity for a re-birth.  An invitation to find yourself again, to gather all the parts of yourself that may have been left behind over the years and come back to a place of wholeness. With the mystical Mama Bali as your sanctuary and your playground, you can reconnect with yourself and surrender to an inner peace and knowing that your current self may not have felt in a long time.

Whether you’re coming to Bali to find yourself or to let something go, to birth something new or to transform, you will find it here. 


Imagine arriving at a tranquil oasis, a serene space of swaying palm trees and verdant rice terraces, the emerald-green fields stretching out before you.

This is Villa Gaia, nestled in the heart of Ubud’s beautiful terraced rice fields. The grand entrance opens up to marble and teak wood with semi open spaces which blend seamlessly with the surrounding nature, creating a space that encourages introspection and relaxation.

A fresh water pool, soft hot tub jacuzzi, infrared sauna, in-house spa and a dining area with a magnificent vista that is quintessential Bali. 

There are 10 dedicated villa staff to ensure your every need is met. You are greeted each day with smiling faces and warm greetings, who quickly become family after your first shared exchange. You will feel loved and cared for every day of your retreat. 

You’ll experience the intoxicating magic of Balinese culture, and enjoy the deepest, most peaceful slumber of your life.

All this awaits you, and so much more.


Each day you will enjoy soul nourishing meals that are as delicious as they are nutritious. Prepared with love by local chefs, each dish is a celebration of Bali’s rich culinary heritage. Fresh tropical fruits, organic vegetables, and locally sourced proteins come together in a symphony of flavors that nourish the body and delight the senses.

You’ll have the chance to delight in iconic Balinese flavours with favourites such as Nasi Goreng and Gado Gado, alongside beautiful fresh curries, local seafood, abundant salads and nourishing soul bowls. 

All meals are designed to be good for your body, soul and of course, your tastebuds! 


Each day of your retreat begins with a sacred ritual, a practice that allows you to connect with the divine energy that permeates Bali. These rituals, steeped in tradition and performed with reverence, provide a grounding start to each day. They are an opportunity to cleanse your soul, set your intentions, and align yourself with the natural rhythms of the universe.

As the day unfolds, you’re invited to participate in healing sessions designed to restore balance, gain insights and promote wellbeing. These sessions draw on traditional Balinese healing practices, harnessing the power of nature and the wisdom of generations. Whether it’s a massage using locally sourced herbs and oils, a guided meditation session amidst the tranquil Balinese landscape, a cleansing ritual at the water temple or a visit to a traditional Balinese healer, each experience is designed to nurture your body, mind, and spirit.

Each day you will also venture out with our personal guide and driver, giving you the chance to explore the real and authentic side of Bali, and help you rediscover your adventurous spirit and reignite your passion and joy for life.

In the afternoon, head to the on-site spa, your haven for relaxation. Here, you can surrender to the blissful pleasure of traditional Balinese spa treatments with each treatment designed to make you feel pampered and cherished.

You will leave your week in Bali with a radiant glow emanating from within, a testament to the transformative journey you’ve undertaken. Your body will feel lighter, your mind clearer, and your spirit uplifted. 

And you will feel ever so grateful you said yes to all of it.


Spiritual Vegan Health Coach, Felicia Cox, who made the transition in 2012 and tried it all from raw vegan, to vegetarian, plant-based, and vegan throughout her spiritual journey— is excited to introduce the rundown on everything plant-based/vegan and how her spirituality began with food and meditation.

Felicia believes that a plant-based is more than a diet. It's a lifestyle and spiritual practice that contributes to your overall physical, mental, spiritual, emotional wellness and health. Felicia offers education through services and products with personalized guidance that will get you on track to be confident in what you eat and how you feel about it, while enjoying every step of this uplifting (and delicious!) retreat at your own pace.

All backgrounds, levels, walk of life are welcome!

Bali Indonesia | The Five Elements Retreat

The welcoming people, the rich culture, the fresh food, the lush jungle landscape and flawless beaches, the beautiful smells of incense, flowers and sacred offerings… this place gives us the heaven on Earth feels! Being blessed with the opportunity to explore this island since 2014, every year since we’ve made our way back, sharing the “Island of the Gods” with women from around the world. Each time, we envision ourselves returning again soon. Its energy calls us, pulls us in, and expands our hearts and souls with each journey. We are so proud and excited to honor our spirit led vision to create a truly rich experience for you! This offering and special invitation is for an intimate group of women who feel called to this sacred land to experience what we call “THE FIVE ELEMENTS”.

Sisterhood + Local Culture + Regional Cuisine + Relaxation + Fun
As with the five elements in nature, this retreat has been thoughtfully orchestrated with each element creating the other and working together to support a beautifully balanced vacation experience. Aside from Bali being one of the most high vibration, spiritually magnetic, lush, naturally and culturally beautiful places on earth, our love of the culture, food and spas inspired us to create a retreat where you can deeply nourish yourself, indulge, and have fun with kindred spirits.

What will we do?
We’ll see amazing sights, explore majestic temples, splash around in the sea, eat fresh and organic regional cuisine, get massages and more! Aside from all that we have planned with this mainly all-inclusive journey, you will have some time on your own to explore the island. Spend a half-day at the spa for a relaxing Ayurvedic body treatment and fragrant flower blossom bath, wander through rice fields, shop the colorful markets, splash around in a waterfall, take a yoga class, visit the Monkey Forest, check out the night-life… after all, this is YOUR time to feed your mind, body and soul, as you wish.

What’s included?
The Five Elements Retreat will include:

~ Amazing accommodations in Ubud

Our journey will take place in the heart of terraced rice fields located in the creative mecca of Ubud – the most desirable location in Bali. Think swaying palm trees, therapeutic breezes, beautifully landscaped rice terraces and wind chimes singing away. Each room is spacious and well appointed with modern convenience, yet maintains a peaceful Balinese feel. Enjoy spectacular pool and rice field views to soothe the body and mind. Just a short stroll away, you will find a large variety of shopping markets, world class restaurants, spas and yoga studios galore.

~ An airport shuttle and ground transportation to and from all group excursions

The drivers that we have arranged are safe, extremely kind and accommodating. You will be warmly greeted at the airport and shuttled in an air-conditioned vehicle with other retreat guests.

~ Nourishing and indulgent breakfasts, lunches and dinners (with vegan, vegetarian and meat options)

Most meals will be prepared by our outstanding chefs as well as local, intentionally chosen restaurants where we know the food is amazing! We like food. A LOT! We like to smell it, taste it, take pictures of it… in fact, it’s one of our favorite things about visiting new places around the world – and Bali happens to be one of our top choice regions for food. Delicious is an understatement and we’ve yet to try anything that we have disliked. You can taste the freshness, nothing is processed, the flavor is amazing, and you’ll go home wishing you had a personal Balinese chef of your own.

~ Excursions & Classes

We have a beautifully balanced selection of excursions and classes for you including:

A visit to the Tirta Empul Holy Water Spring where you will take part in a spiritual cleanse at one of the largest water temples in Indonesia. The water in the pools is believed to have magical powers and local Balinese as well as tourists come here to purify themselves under the 30 spouts of natural, spring fed water.

A visit to one of the most beautiful rice terraces in Bali for a hike, scenic outlook, and photos…because the photo opportunities are amazing here! This ancient valley has a timeless quality and is an unforgettable sight to see.

A cultural experience such as a flower offering class to learn more about the ‘canang sari’ you’ll see all over the island, which is a therapeutic ritual (meditation in motion) that will encourage your artistic side and creativity while learning more about Bali’s rich culture – or – a private Balinese interactive cooking class where we will pick out fresh and local ingredients and unique spices from the “Island of the Gods” and cook and enjoy our own meal, led by a Balinese chef.

A visit to one of our favorite local spas for a relaxing traditional Balinese spa experience. If this sounds like bliss… it is! Given that Bali is an epicenter for all things spiritual, spa-ing here is a quasi-religious experience; and this top of the line spa is a high altar to indulgence. Set in lush greenery, this healing sanctuary ooses serenity and the rituals that take place inside will surely leave you wanting more.

Sisterhood circle empowerment sessions to awaken and guide you into living your divine plan. Whether you know it or not, you are a divine being with a purpose to be fulfilled in this lifetime. Discovering your divine plan is a process, like peeling back the layers of an onion. No one can reveal this to you… rather, it is a process of self discovery. And to know yourself, you must go within. These interactive sessions will assist you in fully embracing the vision that you have for your life, walking the path of your divine purpose.

Exercises and activities led by our guest host, Andrea (@metaphysicaldre). Andrea is a Reiki Master Teacher, Meditation & Breathwork Guide. With over 5 years of experience, she has assisted hundreds of souls on their healing journey. Andrea focuses on hands-on healing, mindfulness and self-awareness practices to help individuals intentionally release stress, tension, and anxiety from their mind, body, and spirit.

~Free Time

Spent however you wish! It’s important for us to create an experience that’s perfect for YOU. You may wish to spend your free time reflecting or relaxing… journaling or swimming… at a spa or in town shopping… exploring adventurous sights… feeding monkeys in the forest… you decide. We’ve made sure to offer you a free day to do whatever you feel and can also assist in making personal excursion arrangements for you.

~Surprise Gifts & Extras!



Naima Solano | Founder of Beachbum Wisdom Retreats

From the Americas, to Bali, Tulum, Egypt, India, Peru and beyond, my beautiful and life-altering travel journeys provide a unique opportunity for women to vacation in a meaningful way, to some of the most amazing destinations on Earth. I am so proud and excited to honor my spirit led vision to create rich spaces for women to gather and explore the world with other like-minded, amazing, down-to-earth women, committed to self-evolvement. If you’re looking for a vacation where you can deeply relax, discover your greatest potential and deepest longings for happiness, inner peace and bliss, all in the midst of beautiful surroundings, culture, the best food and sisterhood. you may have been led here to discover “THE FIVE ELEMENTS” retreats! My exclusive, one-of-a-kind retreat offerings are for women who feel called to sacred lands to experience a beautiful balance of Sisterhood + Local Culture + Regional Cuisine + Relaxation + Fun! I have thoughtfully chosen all of our accommodations, excursions, meals, and experiences to provide a truly idyllic, safe and memorable experience. The Five Elements Retreats are NOT YOUR AVERAGE WELLNESS RETREAT! My retreats are rooted in authenticity, introspection, fun and exploration. Although we may engage in light meditation, restorative movement and self-reflection exercises throughout the retreat, these are not a meditation retreats… these are not yoga retreats… and we keep it VERY REAL! I am not here to teach you… I am here to remind you of what you already know. I create the space… you create the journey within.



Naima Solano | Founder of Beachbum Wisdom Retreats

From the Americas, to Bali, Tulum, Egypt, India, Peru and beyond, my beautiful and life-altering travel journeys provide a unique opportunity for women to vacation in a meaningful way, to some of the most amazing destinations on Earth. I am so proud and excited to honor my spirit led vision to create rich spaces for women to gather and explore the world with other like-minded, amazing, down-to-earth women, committed to self-evolvement. If you’re looking for a vacation where you can deeply relax, discover your greatest potential and deepest longings for happiness, inner peace and bliss, all in the midst of beautiful surroundings, culture, the best food and sisterhood. you may have been led here to discover “THE FIVE ELEMENTS” retreats! My exclusive, one-of-a-kind retreat offerings are for women who feel called to sacred lands to experience a beautiful balance of Sisterhood + Local Culture + Regional Cuisine + Relaxation + Fun! I have thoughtfully chosen all of our accommodations, excursions, meals, and experiences to provide a truly idyllic, safe and memorable experience. The Five Elements Retreats are NOT YOUR AVERAGE WELLNESS RETREAT! My retreats are rooted in authenticity, introspection, fun and exploration. Although we may engage in light meditation, restorative movement and self-reflection exercises throughout the retreat, these are not a meditation retreats… these are not yoga retreats… and we keep it VERY REAL! I am not here to teach you… I am here to remind you of what you already know. I create the space… you create the journey within.


MARCH 10 - 25, 2024

Become a yoga teacher in Bali

Embark on a transformative journey with us in Bali, guided by the expertise of Richelle Morgan and Dee Ortalan.

Our inclusive and collaborative environment welcomes yoga practitioners of all levels, ensuring everyone has the opportunity to grow and thrive.

In our immersive program, you'll dive deep into daily practices and engaging workshops, allowing you to apply and refine your yoga tools. Receive personalized feedback, adjustments, and support to nurture both your personal practice and teaching journey.

But it's not just about the training—it's about the connections you'll make along the way. Connect with a vibrant global yoga community, forging friendships and professional relationships that will enrich your journey.

Discover the magic of Bali as you earn your yoga teacher certification in this breathtaking setting. Take the leap and join us for an enriching experience that will ignite your passion and propel you forward on your yoga path.

Why study with us?

At our 200hr training, we prioritize active engagement over passive listening. Say goodbye to long hours seated in theory lectures and hello to hands-on practicums and group study labs!

Experience the transformation that happens when you align your yoga practice, both on and off the mat. Your days will be filled with insightful moments and experiences that will leave you feeling confident, empowered, and deeply connected—to yourself, to others, and to the essence of yoga.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to immerse yourself in the practice of yoga in a way that will truly elevate your journey. Join us and discover the magic of learning through doing!

You will participate in:

  • daily classes
  • asana teaching labs
  • practicals and guided group learning
  • meditation and pranayama practicals
  • teaching practicals to gain hands-on experience
  • business of yoga labs & practicals
  • seva / yoga off the mat work


7:00-8:00am: Morning personal Sadhana
8:00-9:00am: yoga class
9:00-10:00am: breakfast break
10:15-1:00pm: teaching modules, practicals, theory lectures
1:00-2:00pm: Lunch Break
2:00-5:30pm: Clinics, group study, teaching techniques, etc
6:00pm: Dinner break and free time

*The schedule is subject to change and varies depending on what we are covering that day. You will receive your full immersion daily daily at the opening ceremony on September 10th.

Experience Aligned Flow classes online:
click here for our YouTube channel

Program outline

We seek to create a comprehensive balance between practice, theory and the Aligned Flow teaching methodology in our program. You’ll graduate with the informed ability to teach to of all levels and curate private, group and online yoga class experiences.

The Aligned Flow is a teaching philosophy that was developed to guide students through asana practice in a way that is intuitive, accessible, inclusive, and just makes sense to the student body.

Developed by internationally certified yoga teacher and studio owner Richelle Morgan, she recognized the need for a more inclusive and sustainable way of teaching that gave students the ability to connect to the postures and practice on an individual level vs. a one-size-fits-all mindset.

In this style, we meet students where they are and align with the mind, body, and spirit connection through how we hold space and create yoga experiences for the student body.

As a teacher, you will have the opportunity to share this movement in a way that is clear, directional, authentic and gives space for your unique voice to shine. As a student, you learn how to connect to your practice based on your individual needs. 

The end result is more than just a yoga class. It's a yoga experience.

 Philosophy: Yoga as a Living Tradition module

  • philosophy of yoga as a living tradition for the modern yoga student

Functional anatomy and asana module

  • anatomy for yoga and why we support human alignment vs. yoga alignment 
  • in-depth posture modules where we deconstruct foundation, alignment, and options

Pranayama, breathwork and meditation module

  • explore different pranayama and breathwork practices
  • physiology of breath and the where, why and how breathwork can be integrated
  • meditation practices for personal growth and student offerings

Teaching methodology and holding space module

  • inclusive and accessible language for guiding classes
  • sequencing, transitions and the art of class design
  • explore elements of cueing, deconstruct current and common styles of cueing and learn how to guide inclusive and accessible classes that will provide a sustainable practice for students
  • vinyasa and art of guiding mindful, intelligent transitions
  • class design and sequencing study labs 
  • teaching practicals to boost confidence and leadership skills
  • learn how to recognize the subtle nuances found in posture and transitions and why this is a game changer for your students
  • learn the how, why and when to include intuitive assists, adjustments and modifications
  • study how to support students with the ability to offer props in the practice 
  • learn how to hold space for students and curate yoga experiences

The art of holding space

  • learn how and why to hold space for students and your own self
  • learn how to curate and create yoga experiences to elevate your offerings and help you stand out in a sea of yoga teachers

Aligned business of yoga module

  • creating a sustainable and authentic career through aligned business practices
  • social media management
  • working with private clients
  • offering online classes, workshops, and events

Supporting elements for teaching module

  • additional module:  intro to yin and restorative
  • additional module: art of giving good savasana
  • donation based, group led graduation class to celebrate what you've learned on your journey

Yoga off the mat

Seva is the act of giving back and plays a big role into how we live our yoga off the mat. Aligned Flow Elements founder, Richelle Morgan, has been practicing seva in Tulum for the past 8+ years through her active participation in dog rescue and as a volunteer for animal welfare initiative Help Tulum Dogs.

We hope to inspire our students to bring this concept into their own practice and community and have integrated 'seva' into the YTT programs through our signature graduation class events. Your Tulum program will support local animal welfare initiative Help Tulum Dogs.

*Feedback from lead teachers, practicals and group study labs play an integral part in this program and create a comprehensive learning experience. You'll graduate with full sequenced classes to help kickstart your career as an Aligned Flow Elements teacher.

Where you'll stay

During your immersion, you'll stay at a gorgeous boutique retreat centre located outside of Ubud center. Surrounded by lush rice paddies and jungle foliage, you'll have nature at your doorstep during your stay.

• yoga shala with jungle views
• infinity pool and Jacuzzi tub
• infrared sauna
• farm-to-table meals 
• spa services

What's included

  • 14 nights accommodations 
  • daily breakfast buffet, lunch, and welcome dinner
  • welcome and closing ceremony
  • 200hr Aligned Elements theory and posture manuals
  • yoga classes, Sound Baths, and immersion workshops
  • pre and post graduation mentoring
  • off site evening excursion to traditional Kecak Fire and Trance Dance show 
  • off site daytime excursion to to the Tirta Empul Holy Water Spring 
  • all natural soap and shampoo made locally in Bali
  • daily maid service, 24 hour security and free Wifi
  • scheduled group transfer from airport and return

What's not included:

  • required reading/viewing elements
  • air and ground travel, transportation
  • travel insurance
  • dinners
  • spa services

Bali Goddess Retreat
8-Day Women’s Luxury Divine Feminine Retreat in Ubud

During the Full Moon portal
Highly Limited Spots, by Application Acceptance

With Renowned Goddess Coach & #1 Bestselling Author Syma Kharal

Immerse yourself in the most magical, curated, luxurious Goddess retreat you can experience in the cultural and spiritual heart of Bali, in the holy lands of the Gods and Goddesses themselves!

If you desire to Experience the depth of ecstasy that overflows into every part of your life as Divine Feminine radiance, abundance, love, beauty, bliss and miracles…

Join this life-changing Goddess journey to:

🌹 Embodying your deepest feminine receivership as you let go and let me lead and lavish you, and the Goddesses love and shower you with miraculous blessings in the way that is only possible through a live, experiential, in-person Goddess pilgrimage. 

🌹 Relishing your body temple in the most luscious, sacred rituals, heavenly surroundings, luxurious pampering, and nourishing food to fully embody your Divine Feminine pleasure, radiance, beauty and bliss! 

🌹 Releasing and cleansing your blocks through the most healing and potent purification ceremonies in Bali’s holy water temples.

🌹 Transmuting karmic cycles through a live experience of Goddess alchemy with a transformational ancient Balinese ceremony to become free and powerful in every way. 

🌹 Rebirthing your consciousness to empower and elevate every part of your life through the most magical Goddess rituals in Bali’s sacred energy portals. 

🌹 Renewing your heart’s receptivity to love and miracles through the sweetest, most loving sacred sisterhood ceremonies in sacred, beautiful Balinese sites. 

🌹 Reigniting your shakti to manifest your boldest dreams in oneness with your Divine dharma, inspiration and intuition with our Goddess temple activations and private Balinese rituals. 

🌹 Replenishing your soul into overflow to unleash every form of abundance, success, and expansion through the Goddess embodiment I can unleash for you solely through the Divine Feminine energy vortex that Bali is.

Get ready to fully embody your inner Goddess through these bespoke

Bali Goddess Retreat Highlights:

Sacred Site Activations:

Receive divine blessings through sacred portal activations at the most magical holy temples: Tirta Empul Water Blessing, Gunung Kawi Sebatu Temple, Temple Sebatu Water Ceremony, holy waterfall, and Goddess Saraswati Temple.

Goddess Embodiment Rituals: 

Awaken and embody your Divine Feminine gifts…your sensuality, beauty, receptivity, power, shakti, radiance, love, abundance, bliss, magic, and more with daily Goddess rituals led by Syma.

Balinese Ceremonies: Experience powerful spiritual cleansing and awakening through ancient Balinese ceremonies led by gifted local spiritual healers. 

Goddess Pampering:  Relish in ultimate self-care with your personal 60-minute traditional Balinese massage, and all-access to our private luxury on-site spa lounge, infrared sauna, jacuzzi hot tub, and salt water pool!

Heavenly Surroundings: Rest and replenish your mind-body-soul as you retreat in Mother Nature's abundant tropical beauty in Bali’s potent volcanic lands, lush jungle paradise, flourishing flora, and quintessential rice terraces!

Sacred Sisterhood: Make lifelong connections with soul sisters from around the world! Syma curates the most beautiful sisterhood containers through an aligned applicant acceptance process, clear and loving standards and boundaries, and magical sisterhood facilitation

Luxury Accommodations: Indulge in one of Bali’s top eco-luxury retreat centers, with exclusive access to the entire Balinese-style wellness resort for our private group. Enjoy daily maid-service, free Wifi, and luxury amenities. The center is nestled in lush rice fields in Ubud, the spiritual and cultural heart of Bali. 

Organic Gourmet Meals: Delight in 3 daily sumptuous, nutritious meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) lovingly crafted by our gifted private chef, with fresh and organic vegetarian and meat options. Plus limitless access to drinking water, and Balainese tea and coffee!

Plus these Extra Goddess Touches

Private Transfers: Enjoy the ease and peace of pre-arranged round-trip airport transfers to/from to our retreat center with courteous, professional private drivers for our group. 

Concierge Service: Dedicated on-site retreat staff, concierge service, and 24/7 security.

Virtual Portal: Private online portal with preparation details, FAQ, and more.

Private Facebook Group: Connect with fellow sisters, discuss logistics and get support from Team Syma before and during the trip

If you are ready for the most beautiful and blissful awakening into the Goddess you are to embody ecstatic overflow:




Join Lily and Fran for 5 days and 4 nights of yoga, women’s connection, and exploration in paradise.

We will move and breathe together, activating our Prana, our life force.

Imagine starting your mornings in a yoga room overlooking the rice fields and lush jungle, eating delicious and nutritious food, relaxing with massages, healing and personal care routines, exploring your wilder side with cultural adventures, walks through the balinese rice paddy fields. Come experience true connection with womankind that will elevate your mind, body and energy.

Who Is The Retreat For?
For anyone who is ready and willing to enjoy time away from routine, to connect with themselves, with nature and with other beautiful human beings. We will attend all levels of practice, from beginners through to advanced. No sessions are compulsory so you can take extra time to chill if you need it.

We have created a unique retreat that will invite you to rid yourself of limiting beliefs, connect with your inner magic, discover & deepen your connection with the source of energy and manifest the life you want, now.

This retreat is an opportunity to rediscover yourself all whilst being surrounded by incredible landscapes and supported by women in search of their wildest side.


07.30-09.30: āsana, prāṇāyāma and meditation with Lily or Fran

09.30-11.00: Brunch

11:00- 12:00: Free time to digest (bed, reading, swimming pool, etc…)

12:00- 14:00: Connection activity

14:00-15:00 Lunch

15:00- 17:00 Free time to relax, go to the beach, read a book, have a massage or explore the town of Ubud.

17:00-18:30: Afternoon session. Restorative Yoga, mantra, kirtan, philosophy or meditation.

19:00- 20:00: Dinner




Francisca and Lily created their bond during their yoga teacher training and living together in Byron Bay. Inspired by their home gatherings, where yoga, philosophy, and more intertwined, a vision emerged—a vision to create retreats that foster self-discovery, empowerment, and the formation of sisterhood.

Their first retreat in Chile back in 2022, had shown them —the wellspring of resilience accessed through the power of women connecting in a conscious way.

Journey Home invites women to delve into the profound healing realms of yoga, mind-body connection & the divine feminine. Our retreats are designed to immerse you in ancient rituals, nature, and yoga. Sharing the opportunity to learn holistic ways of managing stress, gently cleanse the body, and create more balance for your life.

Join us on this magical journey, as we navigate the path that leads us back home—to ourselves—and discover your soul in a beautiful way.


Francisca Sovino

Fran’s yoga journey began following intense hip surgery. It was a way to recover and heal, not just for the body but for the mind and the soul. When she was 26, life forced her to stop, to slow down, to observe and to heal. Yoga changed her life, it gave her knowledge about herself, connection and purpose. She was fascinated to understand the divine connection within the spiritual world, as well to study the mind.

Breathing in and out ground her. Her Sadhana (daily asana and spiritual practice) is her medicine. She is eager to share her expertise and passion with students; to serve others through her own journey of healing from her body, mind and spirit, thanks to these ancient eastern teachings.

Her public classes are a mix between traditional Tantric Hatha, Vinyasa and Purna Yoga under the influence of a philosophical framework. Through a slow flow, breath-guided movement and compassionate Tantric self-enquiry, each practice with her is an invitation to feel deep under your skin to connect with your natural being. Fran is Yoga Alliance RYT 200 and RYT500 certified.


Lily Alvarez

Lily is a passionate teacher with a deep understanding of the mind-body connection. From her personal journey of living in Australia for four years, she discovered the somatic world and began to learn it’s powerful medicine. Fascinated by all the various holistic approaches to the human mind, body & spirit, she began her studies in Yoga and bodywork.

She is passionate about creating a space for others to feel held and safe to be vulnerable, authentic, and connect on a soul level. With her background in psychology, social justice, and the somatic realm, Lily teaches and helps assist others on the journey of consciousness and self liberation. Her classes are rooted in Purna Yoga and her passions for the natural elements and energetics in the human experience.

As a Yoga Alliance RYT800 certified teacher, Lily is committed to providing her students with a transformative and holistic experience. Join her at the retreat and embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner exploration.



Ascencia Retreat
By Sydney Campos


ASCENCIA invites us to anchor Heaven on Earth through our own being.

You are invited to a convergence of visionary soul family meeting in Ubud, Bali for a unique 8-day immersion at the renowned Gaia Retreat Center nestled alongside the jungle with our own private spa and detox center on-site.

welcome home.

deeply attune to your truth, to your true self and your hearts desires.

anchor into your vision of all you are ready to receive and allow.

rest into ease of pure being.

here we welcome and amplify quantum energy healing, cellular cleansing and regeneration and opening to new intuitive capacities and gifts.

through water purification ceremonies, sacred site activations and daily practice we attune to and align with our highest timelines, support our body-mind-spirit-soul integration and deepen in our embodied ascension.

we become clear vessels through which source animates and expands.

Heaven on Earth is here when we choose to be, all the way here, embodied, as ourselves.

Let’s play.

It's Time to Receive…

    • Multiple bodywork sessions with gifted healers over the course of immersion
    • Fresh, organic, local food prepared by our own private chef
    • Mind-body-spirit-soul integration and rejuvenation through quantum healing, water ceremonies, sound healing, sacred site activations and daily prayer and meditation
    • Guided practice and training in nervous system attunement, embodiment, intuitive facilitation and visioning
    • Luxurious curated meals off-site at fave local eateries and cafes (a few times)
    • Daily guided play in various forms of yoga, yin, dance, authentic movement and more
    • All access to on-site luxury spa with pool, sauna, hot tub, colonics and body work
    • Abundant play time in pristine nature to rest, reflect and receive
    • One full day of silence in the middle of immersion to deeply connect + integrate
    • Support before, during and after the retreat via group calls + Telegram group


  • Purify

    • Cleanse and clear anything that’s old, stagnant or heavy to fully support yourself to step into the new and true, what’s meant for you.
  • Rejuvenate

    • Deeply rest and rejuvenate with plenty of space to tune in with yourself, with nature and with a resonant support field of visionary soul family.
  • Awaken

    • Receive your next steps in your vision and path, awaken to deeper sense of purpose and personal power, and amplify your spiritual gifts.
  • Attune

    • Experience deep attunement and nervous system healing as well as facilitation in multiple modalities designed to support the body, mind, spirit and soul.
  • Embody

    • Embody a new reality of peace, presence, and stability in your true self as an anchored, integrated way of being - here is where we will practice.
  • Expand

      • Expand into your authenticity and deeper intimacy with yourself and with all of life while cultivating profound self-love, worthiness and vitality.

    Feel into the flow…

    • 7:30-9:00am : Morning meditation, guided group movement, attunement practice + sharing / reflection
    • 9:30-10:30am : Enjoy delicious, energizing breakfast overlooking the jungle and pool
    • 11:00-1:00pm : Group Experience: Hands on energy healing attunement + practice
    • 1:00-3:00pm : Nourishing lunch off site at yummy gourmet vegan cafe locals love
    • 3:30-6:30pm : Adventures off-site to water temple or spa: sauna, pool, massages, colonics +  rest/reflection
    • 6:30-8:00pm : Prayer-full evening feast of delicious healing local cuisine on-site
    • 8:30-9:30pm : Sound healing meditation - integration before dreams

    Sacred Sites + Ceremonies

    • Tirta Empul Water Blessing
    • Gunung Kawi Meditation
    • Temple Sebatu Water Ceremony
    • Tanah Lot Temple, Canggu
    • Saraswati Temple, Ubud



    Sydney Campos is a Visionary, Psychic Energy Healer, Embodiment Facilitator and Best-Selling Author who is devoted to creating Heaven on Earth in all moments.

    Since 2012 Sydney has offered intuitive coaching, mentorship, energy healing and psychic guidance to visionaries worldwide. She has supported thousands of visionaries globally in embodying their true selves, enjoying more ease and flow, and powerfully living their purpose.

    Whether advising conscious companies, mentoring visionary leaders, training shamanic facilitators or architecting the world’s next social community – Sydney illuminates bridges into new dimensions.

    Sydney is a sought-after expert in the fields of embodiment, sexuality, intuition and leadership. Sydney has been featured in Forbes, MindBodyGreen, Refinery29, Bustle, PureWow and New York Magazine.


    Prayer: May we attune ourselves to our divinity and create the world and all the ways of being in it we wish existed.



    Full Moon Eclipse Retreat



    Activate your intuition in Bali with Intuitive Healer and Life coach Lisa Gniady.

    Get ready to elevate your frequency and embrace your inner magic on a journey of a lifetime!

    “I am here to shine the light on your path to happiness, to help you see your life and the world around you in a new way. As a Grid Worker, my mission has been to weave a grid of Love & Light throughout the United States with my “Retreats Across America” Retreats.

    It’s time to thread this light activation across the ocean, extending it to one of the most beautiful spiritual places on earth…Bali, Indonesia.” 

    ~Lisa Gniady


    Can you Imagine? 

    Experiencing...Live Channeling of the Galactic Council, Intuitive Guidance & Light Language Healings`11`, Energy Field Yoga, Third-Eye Opening Activation, Meditation, Kundalini Breathwork & Yoga, Light Code Reiki Healing, Waterfall Light Frequency Activation, Kirtan and Chakra Clearing & Balancing with LadyAnn, and More…

    Have you dreamed of going to Bali?

    Exploring…Bali’s natural beauty, the majestic volcanoes & hotsprings, the magic, the warm-hearted people, the energy, the freshest food, the exotic feeling, the healing sound of waterfalls, and so much more... 

    Immerse yourself in another world as you watch the ceremonies that take place all throughout the Island of the Gods and Goddesses. Step back in time as you visit the ornate and sacred temples and experience the rituals that people have been performing in Bali for centuries.


    Bali during the Full Moon Eclipse Energy… 

    Are you ready to live in the intuitive flow?

    • Evoke your hidden potential and shine your light on the world
    • Embrace this cosmic opportunity for transformation 
    • Expand your consciousness


    This journey of a lifetime can be your doorway to jumpstarting your intuition…

    Bali is a mecca for those on a path, to spiritual awakening. What better way to activate your healing powers than with the medicine of Ubud, Our Home Away from Home, and the Spiritual Center of Bali.



    B - BELIEVE in you

    A - ACCEPT your gifts

    L - LOVE yourself

    I - ILLUMINATE the world


    Remember your intuitive roots through ritual, rebirth your Inner Goddess, and connect deeper into your intuition as you awaken your mystical self.


    Feminine Power Retreat

    Together we will explore the four feminine archetypes that create femininity and how we are using these energies to create the life outcomes we want. We will explore what holds us back, what are the self limiting beliefs we tell ourselves, like we’re not good enough, or we don’t deserve it. Using proven psychological techniques and we will shift these beliefs to allow for more acceptance and confidence in our lives.  

    And of course we will have fun! There will be lots of time for exploring, self care through the wonderful massage spa services provided on site, and fun group dinners and excursions. You will be immersed in Bali culture as you unwind and reveal your true potential to weild your feminine power. 

    If you’d like to join me again for a deeper and even more intensive experience in another beautiful location, please register your interest here.



    Luxury Bali Villa: Gaia Retreat

    Gaia Retreat Center is nestled in the heart of terraced rice fields located in the creative mecca of Ubud – the most desirable location in Bali and voted the friendliest town in Asia –

    • The view from the villa is quintessential Bali. Think swaying palm trees, therapeutic breeze, beautifully landscaped rice terraces and wind chimes singing away.
    • The grand entrance of Villa Gaia opens up to marble and teak wood that has 8 bedrooms, on-site massage room, far infrared sauna, soft hot tub jacuzzi and semi open dining area overlooking the rice terraces of Bali.
    • The private beautiful chlorine-free pool and sun-loungers are positioned to view and soothe, the body and mind.
    • You can take a leisurely 15 minute stroll to the town center of Ubud and discover a vast array of markets, plant based restaurants, Balinese local warungs (cafes) and a plethora of spas and yoga studios.


    A transformational program with two facilitators. 1:1 session with the facilitator valued at $650. Post-retreat group coaching sessions x 3 valued at $1,320 (to embed the insights from the retreat once you’re home). Lots of free time for you to reflect and explore our surroundings. Daily Complimentary Breakfast Buffet and Lunches for on-site guests. Welcome flower mandala arrangement. All-natural soap & shampoo and made locally in Bali. Daily maid service and 24-hour security and free Wifi. Unlimited supply of drinking water, herbal tea + Balinese coffee. Private chlorine-free swimming pool, far infrared sauna, hot tub jacuzzi. Free car & driver to inside of the Ubud area, transfers are complimentary for guests in a group transfer format. Complimentary Excursions. Discounted full-body Balinese massage. Discounted colonics. Complimentary Airport / Hotel pick up & drop-off. 



    Meet your facilitators


    Dr Josephine Palermo, Phd (Organisational Psychology) Director, Geared for Growth, 6 Team Conditions Australia

    Dr Petra Plencnerova, Phd (Psychology) Senior Evaluation Advisor, Headspace


    Your are in good hands

    This retreat is facilitated by two experienced facilitators with decades of experience helping women transform.

    Dr Josephine Palermo, is a Phd in Psychology and author of Rising to Feminine Power: The Lasso of Truth

    Dr Petra Plencnerova, is a  Phd in Psychology, Hynotherapist, and Senior Evaluation Advisor at Headspace.



    Feminine Power Retreat

    Are you feeling lost, disempowered, or struggling to find your own path? Do you battle imposter syndrome, torn between societal expectations and your true self, and harbor self-limiting beliefs of not feeling good enough or deserving?

    Welcome to our Bali Retreat – a sanctuary for women like you who seek clarity, empowerment, and a deeper connection with their authentic selves

    Go from disempowered to empowered. Shed the Imposter and rise in your Confidence as the true version of you emerges!

    In society, women are often presented with two limited archetypes: hypermasculinity or passive femininity. We believe in a third way, a harmonious blend of empathy, collaboration, and collective power that allows you to craft a life that’s uniquely yours.

    Join us in Bali for an immersive experience where you’ll not only explore the breathtaking landscapes but also embark on a journey towards self-discovery and empowerment.

    It’s time to script the next chapter of your life, with confidence, authenticity, and a newfound sense of purpose.

    Learn how to…

    BE powerful yet still feminine

    BE assertive but remain compassionate

    LEAD from your heart without the need to compete with others
    achieve success without exhaustion and ‘hustling mode’

    BALANCE feminine and masculine energies within you.

    Create a new story with feminine power. 



    Learn how to lead, guide and become an outstanding Thai Yoga Massage Practitioner in 2023 and experience the beauty to enter into the mystic 'Unknown'

    Do you know the feeling, when all seems to be ‘ok’, but somehow you feel stuck in Life?

    Or you might feel anxious, stressed about life and you don’t really know what to do?

    You feel it’s time for change but you just don’t know where to start?

    Or, are you just curious to go far beyond the physical body, and tap into the mental, emotional and spiritual bodies?


    We are honored to have been selected by Phoenix Magazine as one of the top 5 eco hideaways in Bali!

    Vegan Tastes Good Retreat by Felicia Cox

    Spiritual Vegan Health Coach, Felicia Cox, who made the transition in 2012 and tried it all from raw vegan, to vegetarian, plant-based, and vegan throughout her spiritual journey— is excited to introduce the rundown on everything plant-based/vegan and how her spirituality began with food and meditation. Felicia believes that a plant-based is more than a diet. It's a lifestyle and spiritual practice that contributes to your overall physical, mental, spiritual, emotional wellness and health. Felicia offers education through services and products with personalized guidance that will get you on track to be confident in what you eat and how you feel about it, while enjoying every step of this uplifting (and delicious!) retreat at your own pace.

    300hr Shivakali Elemental Yoga Teacher Training by Serge Bandura 

    The return of Shivakali Yoga 300hr Elemental Yoga Teacher Training in October 2022, hosted by Serge Bandura and faculty, focused on restorative postures, meditation and pranayama, the ancient sciences of yoga and tantra through a course of the 5 elements. The 28 day training revolved around learning how to teach Alignment-Based Advanced Vinyasa Flows, Traditional Hatha teachings, Yogic philosophy, Daily Ayurvedic self-care practices, Fire ceremonies, Buddhist & Nyingma teachings woven with our delicious healthy meals at Gaia Retreat Center and cherry picked spiritual and wellness excursions. Woven throughout the course is the element of space, during which time we will look encounter the poetry of Kabir, meditate on emptiness, and read from the Tao Te Ching. We will find what it means to discover our own practice, our own path, and our own truth within... as teachers, and as human beings.

    Serge Bandura (E-RYT 500) is co-director at Shivakali Yoga, and has been teaching the Yogic arts of India & Tibet since since 2001. His approach evolves out of a deep transmission from younger years living in Kula (yogic community), engaging in lengthy daily practice before the hours of dawn, and undergoing rigorous study with his teachers. In classes, Serge blends his knowledge of traditional Yogic practice & philosophy with 1000's of hours of training in Ashtanga, Yin Yoga, Rudra Yoga, Vinyasa, Kundalini Tantra, Ayurveda and Tibetan Buddhism. He holds a BA in Religious Studies with an emphasis on South-Asian traditions, a certificate in Yoga Philosophy, a diploma in the study of Yoga & Ayurveda, an E-RYT designation from the Yoga Alliance, he reads/writes Sanskrit, and is a practicing Ngakpa (Tibetan Yogi) with Pema Khandro Rinpoche.

    Journey from Ashtanga Yoga to the Island of Bali by Monika Balicka 

    "It has long been my dream to organize an Ashtanga yoga workshop on the island of Bali. I now bring the project to life! It is with great pleasure that I invite you to a dynamic ashtanga experience tailored for both advanced and beginners. Classes will be conducted in groups, depending on the level of advancement.

    We will stay in beautiful Villa Gaia in Ubud, which is the Yoga Mecca of the Bali's spiritual mecca. The entire venue will be reserved exclusively for us. The yoga shala overlooks the exotic rice fields, swimming pool, swaying palm trees... you can spend your free time by the pool, in the sauna or enjoy the Balinese massages available on site.

    The city of Ubud is a great starting point for exploring various parts of the island, but it also offers many attractions. (Sacred Monkey forest, waterfalls, Saraswati temple & more)" - Monika Balicka of Yoga Loft Poznań


    Monika Balicka is the owner of Yoga Loft Poznań School. Economist by profession and yoga teacher by passion, Monika is a Vinyasa yoga teacher who conducts classes inspired by the styles of Vinyasa Krama Yoga and Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, which combine concentration on the breath.

    She has a certificate of completion of training for teachers led by Manju Pattabhi Jois: "The Primary Series" (1st series of ashtanga in the tradition of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois).

    She also completed a teaching course in the Ashtanga method with Beata Darowska, studied Vinyasa Krama Yoga and meditation with Maciej Wielobob, a specialist in yoga therapy, meditation and yoga psychology. 

    High on Chi Quest Retreat by Trent Banyan

    Creating potent habitual change to harmonise and elevate are the key focus of this carefully designed program founded by Trent Banyan.

    High On Chi retreats are a culmination of 4 years of running and co-facilitating global wellness retreats and Trent's passion led him to bring this offering for his guests at Gaia Retreat Center. Daily activities focused around improving energy levels, following your blueprint to support your overall Chi levels, moving through the various Pillars of Chi Flow.

    Chi Quests were created by Trent Banyan after facilitating and co facilitating over a decade various global wellness retreats, Rites of Passages and conscious events. He curates the program during the Chi Quests around the Pillars of Chi Flow, a guide to identify where you are leaking and wasting your (chi) energy and identifying how and what you can do to cultivate and harness it.

    Guided by Trent and his team of expert facilitators, they embarked on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, where they gained a deep understanding of the inner mechanics of Chi and its transformative power.

    Chi Quests take a holistic approach to wellness, where we infuse each experience with life-enhancing tools derived from Traditional Chinese Medicine & Qi Gong, educational workshops, connection with the culture of the land, relationship-building activities, and most of all, adventurous trips that will take you on a transformational journey.



    Hi, I am the Creator and Director of High on Chi and live in the Noosa Hinterland on an organic farm in a tiny home with my wife and young daughter. I am a fully registered Acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine Practitioner and have been in private practice since the beginning of 2015. Since that time, I have worked with Noosa Confidential a sort after private rehabilitation program as an Acupuncturist, Yoga Therapist and Mindfulness Trail Facilitator. I was also the Program Leader of Dream Catcher Rehab, a program that ran Jost Sauer’s Recovery System.

    I travelled extensively throughout my 20s and left a very well-paid job in construction in pursuit of creating the life I desired. In 2010, I found my calling to begin studying Traditional Chinese Medicine during my time in a 1-month meditation course in Guatemala. It was a pivotal turning point in my life. I moved from a life of material abundance, alcohol, drugs and partying to a holistic lifestyle filled with yoga and meditation practices. I found and connected into the power of chi (energy) and observed how it moves through everything. The ‘chi’ highs and reaching altered states naturally, is one of the main reasons why I have not turned back to old patterns.

    Now, when I am not climbing mountains, I am providing Chi Flow Consultations and Esoteric Acupuncture from my High on Chi clinic space on the Sunshine Coast in Australia as well as online via zoom.

    Free Community Ayurvedic, Wellness & Meditation Talk with Dr. Yogesh

    Villa Gaia Bali Ayurvedic, Wellness & Meditation Talk with Dr. Yogesh.

    Opening doors to Free Community Ayurvedic, Wellness & Meditation Talk with Dr. Yogesh.
    About Dr Yogesh & His Story:
    A doctor, a nonconformist researcher, a thinker, and a spiritually awakened individual.

    A Near Death Experience in his early 20s while he was still an undergraduate student pursuing degree in Ayurveda made him ponder about life and beyond. He found himself embroiled in existential questions often, trying to find out answers in spiritual texts such as Vedas and Upanishads, soon to realize it is futile and analogues to grope in darkness unless you have light of your own, to say your own experience..

    Dr Yogesh turned to Meditation and after almost 13 years of sadhana –spiritual striving –a true sense of being awakened in him, call it “self realization” or “oneness with all” – terms rarely matter.

    In the meantime he did his masters in Ayurveda (specialization in social and preventive medicine) and started medical practice. Being invariably inquisitive,he expanded his horizons of understanding human predicament –diseases by gaining insight into functioning of the human mind.

    As a doctor / researcher he devised “Timeless healing” programs which aims at “healing” person not alone with just
    medicine or therapy, but by going beyond the body and entering into the realm of uncharted territory of the mind.

    The “Awakening” series begins with “Samaahit” which is all about awareness and foundation of the series. Then come Visuddhi and finally vimukti. His programs will help you attain “inner freedom” by surpassing mental impurities such as hatred, anger, and loneliness and “Self transcendence” by experiencing oneness with all.

    Dr Yogesh welcomes everyone today to be a part of a noble endeavor.


    Return to Your Purpose by Grayson at Clarifino Retreats Villa Gaia Ubud Bali

    Clarifino's mission is to nurture transformation within individuals struggling through their quarter-life crisis. She has guided guests towards their highest potential through personal development, holistic wellbeing and more via:

    *A personalized plan for you to achieve your highest potential

    *A community of like-minded new friends from all over the world

    *Unforgettable experiences from beautiful island of Bali

    *An empowered mindset, ready to design and embody the life of your dreams



    "Grayson Waataja, founder of Clarifino Retreats, was established through discovering my purpose and embodying my highest self. Two of the tools you will gain for yourself on this incredible retreat.

    I felt called to design a safe space for facilitating transformation within those struggling through their quarter-life crisis. Firstly, I know how it feels to lose your sense of direction in your mid-twenties. It is a challenging phase of life to navigate. Although, through those difficulties I have learned how to align the soul toward one’s fullest potential. In short, that is what I am here to help you with.

    I Was a Dancer for Nearly 2 Decades.

    It not only consumed my life, but also my identity and sense of self. Dancing on Broadway was where my dreams were focused, but a serious injury to my lower back in my early-twenties changed the course of my future significantly. Therefore, the hard truth I had to accept was that the current path I was on was no longer sustainable for my body. In other words, I needed to decide what else I could do with my life.

    I Set the Intention to Heal my Body Holistically and Rediscover Who I Was. As a result, this journey directed me to surrender to yoga and receive its remedies for the mind, body, and spirit. The transformation I experienced through my yoga practice helped align me with my purpose and consequently treat my injury through living more intentionally.

    I Absolutely Loved the Work That I Did, but I Knew my Soul had More to Offer. As a result, this urged me to I searched to find a way to combine my studies of yoga with my passion for coordinating events. From blending my skills, passions, and talents, I moved to the island of Bali and created Clarifino.

    Now more than ever, the world needs your unique gifts to be of service for humanity. I believe every person was brought to this Earth to fulfill a purpose. Let’s uncover your reason for being and make a plan to achieve your fullest potential together...."

    Ph credit Captures by 
    📷 Gede Widarmana


    Dina and Michelle Ashtanga Jivamukti Yoga Retreat in Bali

    Michelle and Dina invited their clients from Dubai and beyond - to take a moment to reset, re-centre and rev up their practice at Gaia Retreat Center in Ubud, Bali - a perfect platform for personal yet guided exploration of the mystical practice, Attendees were challenged, yet supported, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Classes were refreshingly invigorating & open to all levels with hands on assists to help each participant reach their fullest potential. Morning sessions focused around the Ashtanga or Jivamukti Yoga method while evening classes took the form of a gentler, yin flow, to build physical practice, embody key alignment principles, learn the fundamentals of meditation and walk away with knowledge of select yoga scripture and philosophy.

    Empowered Women's Retreat By Erika & Hamish Cramer 

    This co-facilitated 6 day women's retreat led by Erika Cramer of The Queen of Confidence + Hamish Cramer of Manfulness, focused on working with the mind, thoughts, feelings, beliefs and behaviours via modalities of coaching, mindfulness, cognitive behaviour therapy, shamanic healing, movement, meditation & neuroscience to inspire action, change, connection and deep compassion and acceptance of self and others. Here, they were safely guided and led in order to push past comfort and into the rebirth of who they truly are meant to be.

    Photos credited to Neil Wakefield of Indiefilmstudios.com.au


    Kunkanit Phrombut (Joy) from Thailand and Ricardo Martin from Venezuela are co-directors of Bright Yoga School | www.brightyoga.com
    They have created their school with the idea to support yoga practitioners all around the globe who want to bring their Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga practice into a complete new level, and also for those who want to share the love and the passion of the practice with others through teaching, develop a solid Ashtanga Self Practice, gain detailed knowledge about, breathing, alignment and how to modify all the asanas in Full Primary Series of Traditional Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, learn how to practice Vipassana Meditation, understand how to live a life base on mindfulness, anatomy in relation to Ashtanga with extra skills to develop strength & flexibility.


    Shivakali Yoga 300hr Elemental Tantra Yoga Teacher Training by Serge Berliawsky

    Serge Bandura has been practicing the Yogic arts of India & Tibet since his youth, and teaching Yoga for over 16 years. His approach evolves out of a deep transmission from younger years living in Kula (yogic community), engaging in lengthy daily practice before the hours of dawn, and undergoing rigorous study with his teachers. Serge blends his knowledge of traditional Yogic practice & philosophy with 1000's of hours of training in Ashtanga, Yin Yoga, Rudra Yoga, Vinyasa, Kundalini, Ayurveda and Tibetan Buddhism. He held a BA in Religious Studies with an emphasis on South-Asian traditions, a certificate in Yoga Philosophy, a diploma in the study of Yoga & Ayurveda, an E-RYT designation from the Yoga Alliance, he reads/writes Sanskrit, and is currently enrolled in a Ngakpa (Tibetan Yoga) Seminary program. Serge's training at Gaia Retreat Center was based in India's Sacred Traditions, with Alignment-Based Vinyasa Flow practice. Culminating in restorative postures, meditation and pranayama, his practice served first to awaken the body and break-up stuck energy, and then to soften the mind and nurture his participant's inner being through a grounding practice, restorative, yin and classical tantric asanas. 


    Ice Bath Challenge Wim Hof Method Ubud Bali

    Similar to Tummo (inner heat) Meditation and Pranayama (yogic breathing). Yet it is something else entirely. While Wim has read a lot of books on yoga and meditation for many years, this technique primordially comes from what he terms ‘cold hard nature’. By subjecting himself to the bitter conditions of nature, he learned to withstand the extreme forces of cold, heat and fear. Thanks to Ice Bath Challenge Certified Practitioner Bart Biermans for teaching our participants this empowering technique before plunging into the ice bath at Villa Gaia under his expertise!


    The 5 Elements Retreat in Ubud, Bali by Naima & Veronica

    Diving into the true Goddesses, connecting to our inner radiance and beauty, removing ancestral blocks and limitations, loving ourselves deeply, planting our dreams and manifesting our sacred desires, tapping into universal abundance, living from a place of truth and authenticity, feeling our magnificence and honoring our path in deep gratefulness.  The Inner Goddess Retreat explored all of the beauty that Bali has to offer, with beautiful and deeply healing ceremonies at a natural waterfall, a sacred water temple experience, a one-of-a-kind pyramidical sound healing temple visit, Balinese outdoor market shopping in Ubud and more.  All organic farm to table meals and a massage will be all inclusive at Gaia Retreat Center, Ubud, Bali. 


    Yoga Alliance registered 200 hour vinyasa yoga teacher training program offered the opportunity for students to deepen their own practice, explore their voice, and gain valuable teaching experience in a beautiful and supportive environment at Gaia Retreat Center led by David Magone, founder of Pranavayu School in Boston, USA - a five star rating on Yoga Alliance, with graduates teaching at some of the world’s top tier teaching venues around the globe including Equinox, Exhale Spa, national yoga festivals such as Wanderlust and the world’s larges yoga website, Gaiam TV.


    During those 9 days two certified life coaches from Poland, Michael Pasterski and Sandra Lasek, invited participants to practice techniques included in the Insight method; Road to Mental Maturity ~ learning new techniques and different approaches to working on oneself including: Zen Coaching. Gestalt therapy. Mindfulness. Transpersonal coaching. Behavioral-cognitive therapy. Zen meditation - allowing participants to learn a whole set of practical tools for systematic self-work.


    From India to Egypt to Bali, Ashtanga Yoga Egypt by Iman El-Sherbiny a KPJAYI authorised Ashtanga yoga teacher who has developed two Mysore programs in Cairo, invited a lovely group to reset and return to their deeper sense of self while immersing in the traditional 8 limbed path of yoga across 7 days at Gaia Retreat Center, Ubud, Bali. Here are some flashbacks of her retreat weaving in a strong, yet soft and playful practice to help her guests cultivate awareness with their body, a steady and clear mind and a healthy easy filled life. 


    "Nourish You Singing Retreat" is a unique way to explore at a deeper level, our own voice and the stories we have around it. Within a supportive group environment we can shift, find and connect with a more authentic singing voice and experience the joy that comes in singing with others.

    Over the last 20 years, Betsy Hanson has been creating choir arrangements by taking amazing songs and making them unique by creating a new version with 4 part harmonies and a range of different instruments or A cappella. Daily singing sessions with fabulous contemporary, world music and indigenous songs with gorgeous harmonies, exploring your voice, what it means to you to express yourself through singing as well as working together as a group to improve your skills and confidence - were topics covered along with thought-provoking discussions and honest, gentle conversations about authenticity, beauty, music, creativity, feeling good and learn a little more about how to ask ourselves better questions in order to move through life's sticky moments! 


    A week of inspiration & restoration in Bali with Morgan, Webert
    Yoga Lifestyle Strategist Yoga | Meditation | Sound Healing | Soul Sessions | Ayurveda | Nature | Nutrition
    Morgan loves leading retreats and watching the deep connections forged when practicing, exploring and diving deep together for a week. She's passionate about empowering people to break through limiting beliefs, negatives thought patterns and habits that harm and giving people practical tools to live an inspired and balanced life by running transformational Ayurvedic lifestyle programs for 5 years and working as a certified EFT Matrix Reimprinting counsellor for 4 years. She's trained with neuroscience meditation guru Dr. Joe Dispenza, habit science expert James Clear and Ayurvedic thought leader Cate Stillman as well as through the Kerala Ayurveda Academy. Over the past few years, she has led 8 retreats to Bali to take people on a magical, tropical journey that drops them into full life-force, letting go of stress and embracing the moment to create a life changing, unforgettable retreat. This year was being located at Gaia Retreat Center in Ubud, Bali.
    "Our goal should be to live life in radical amazement. ....get up in the morning and look at the world in a way that takes nothing for granted. Everything is phenomenal; everything is incredible; never treat life casually. To be spiritual is to be amazed."- Abraham Joshua Heschel 
    Feeling this so strongly after such a deep heart opening week!" - Morgan Webert


    1 Melissa Ghattas Dubai Yoga - Gaia Retreat Center Ubud Bali

    Glimpses from Sacred Elements Retreat by Melissa Ghattas as her students dove deep into the "five great elements" in the Vedas, bhūmi (earth), jala (water), agni (fire), vayu (air) and akash (aether), to reinforce connection to Nature. The afternoons varied between sound healing, yin, walking meditations, sacred dance, internal reflection, journaling, sharing circles, creative writing/drawing, reading, connecting with friends and time off by the pool.
    Melissa E-RYT 500 traveled to the Brahmani Centre in Goa for a series of teacher trainings with Julie Martin and has since been teaching Vinyasa flow in Dubai. Melissa maintains her seasonal teaching travels to India and now assists Julie Martin in both level 1 and level 2 teacher trainings giving her the confidence to share this passion with others while deepening her empathy-driven style of teaching with the likes of Julie Martin and Shiva Rea.

    ph credit: Danielle Evans Photography

    Copyright Gaia Retreat Center